If you aren’t looking to commit to a longer term 1:1 program just yet, there are still opportunities for us to work together on a one-off basis. I would absolutely love to be part of your healing journey and guide you in the process of self transformation through a structured program, but I also completely understand that sometimes life happens and it’s not always doable. The good news is that we can still work together, just on a less formal and frequent basis, to allow you to find healing whenever you should need it.

Whether you’re suffering from a physical or mental illness, or just looking to improve your overall wellbeing, each of my services focus on healing through a holistic lens - or treating the mind, body, and soul as one. Each of these three pillars are essential to optimal health and should be taken care of equally, which is why all of my services will always focus on the entire being.

Learn more about these one-off services below, where you can pick and choose services a la carte style that best fit your specific and individual needs. If there is an additional service that is not listed below but is offered in my longer term health coaching programs, please feel free to reach out and we can find a way to make it work. I am here to support you and meet you wherever you’re at in your journey, so I would be more than happy to accommodate in a way that serves you best.

Life is messy, and so is being human. Healing doesn’t require the performance of perfectionism. Instead, it welcomes you to put down the pain you’re carrying, hold space for it, and look at it bit by bit. In doing so, joy, ease, and self-love start to emerge. Everything takes time, especially when looking closely at what hurts, what’s not serving us, and where we need healthier habits both with ourselves and others. Remembering that we deserve to take up intentional space in this life is how we stand tall and reclaim our power. Showing up fully and completely in our healing is what sets us free. And once we’re free, we can begin the new chapter that we’ve been looking for.



If there’s one thing I recommend that you should add to your healing toolkit, it’s a strong yoga practice. Specifically, a practice that allows you to deeply connect with your mind, body, and spirit, and release the heaviness and tension that you’re carrying with you - sometimes without even realizing.

We carry so much emotion in our joints, tendons, muscles, and even in our very cells. If we don’t give ourselves the time and space to fully feel these emotions, no matter how painful they may be, they remain stuck in our physical bodies. Everyone has experienced grief, trauma, or stress at some point in their life, in some form or another. However, not everyone has taken the time to fully process and feel the difficult emotions that need to be felt. When we hold onto these stuck emotions, stresses, negativity, fears, pain, and traumas, they don’t just disappear. Trauma stays trapped within the body and manifests physically, which we know to be true through many scientific findings on the root causes of certain physical illness.

When we allow ourselves to move through these experiences and reconnect with our bodies through yoga, that’s where all of the healing begins. Grief Yoga is a practice of compassion that will empower you to transform pain and struggle into peace and purpose using movement, breath, and sound. This 75-minute session will be catered to you and your specific physical, mental, and emotional needs, allowing you to fully release whatever may be weighing heavy on your heart.



If you’re not looking to commit to a 6 month structured program, this offering is for you. Whether you’re looking to optimize your diet and learn more about nutrition, create new healthy and sustainable habits, manage daily stresses and anxiety, adopt a yoga and meditation practice, tap into your intuition, or anything else that brings you closer to your best and truest self, you’ve come to the right place.

In this 75 minute intensive, we will take a deep dive into your current health goals and co-create a plan that best fits your current dietary and lifestyle needs. You will leave the session with a better understanding of your own unique bioindividuality, and what it means to nourish yourself in a way that works best for you - mind, body, and soul. You will also leave with some of my favorite tips, tricks, and resources that you can utilize in your own life to help you achieve those goals, which you can do on your own time whenever you feel called to do so.

If there is something specific that you’re looking for guidance or support on, we will dedicate this time to that. But if you’re looking for a generalized session together, we will focus on looking at your health through a holistic lens and seeing which areas need a little extra love and care. Either way, you will leave with more clarity and a better understanding on how to best move forward in your journey.



Whether you’re looking for a basic nutrition crash course, or learn how to best optimize your diet in a way that works best for you, this 60 minute session is exactly what you need to get started on your journey.

In this session, we will review your current diet and nutritional needs and co-create a plan that works best for you moving forward. You will understand the power of food as medicine, and how to use it to your advantage each day to alleviate your personal health concerns and reach your wellness goals. There will be absolutely no talk of restriction or deprivation in the session, but instead we will focus on what you can add to your plate to help you feel your best. Your diet is the most individualized aspect of your health, which is why this support and guidance will be catered to you and only you. There will be an emphasis on optimizing gut health, regulating hormones, balancing blood sugar, and enhancing performance and energy. From my own experience, once those areas are in check, the rest will follow.

I will not be telling you what to do or how to eat, because only you know that answer. Instead, I will guide you in determining what does and does not work for you, so that you uncover the way of eating that suits your unique body, mind, and soul best. You will leave this session with tips, tricks, resources, recipes, grocery lists, and more that you can utilize in your daily life to continue the momentum moving forward.



We’ve all heard the benefits of mindfulness and meditation, which continue to be backed by ever-evolving research. These practices are so much more than simply sitting in stillness, and their effects go way beyond lowering stress. Practicing mindfulness isn’t just for the mind, it’s also incredibly healing for the body. Simply put, engaging in mindfulness on a daily basis is key for calming your body’s nervous system, which is the first step in any healing journey. Mindful activities turn on the body’s relaxation response, which then turns off the body’s stress response, and sends signals to every single cell in the body that healing can take place.

Whether you’re struggling with a physical or mental illness, or simply looking to improve your overall wellbeing and quality of life, the best thing you can do for yourself is create and adopt a strong daily mindfulness practice. This can sometimes look like sitting in stillness in meditation, but it can also sometimes look like allowing yourself to do absolutely nothing. If either of those sound daunting to you, that’s a sign that you probably need it the most. However, I also know that social media can drastically glamorize and over-complicate these routines, so I’m here to tell you that just isn’t always the case. The point of these practices are to incorporate them into your pre-established routines in a way that’s sustainable for you, and to utilize them to remove stress from your life, not add.

In these 45 minute sessions, we will begin with a guided meditation, then jump right into your current routines and lifestyle. We will co-create a plan that utilizes various mindfulness practices that you can begin to tap into on a daily basis to eliminate any stresses as they arise. I will teach you some of my favorite tips and tricks on eliminating stress and anxiety in daily life, and you will understand how to use them to your advantage whenever you should need them. You will also leave with journal prompts, meditation scripts, and breathing exercises that you can do on your own time and even share with others in your life.



Reiki is a light-touch, energy-based healing practice that works to neutralize the nervous system and resolve emotional distress, which then improves physical health. Reiki has been shown to aid in relaxation, reduce physical pain and soreness, improve sleep, lower stress and anxiety, and so much more. It is a complementary healing technique that can enhance traditional medical treatments, and allows the body to tap into its own state of self healing.

Everything is energy, and each human has their own unique energy field made of thoughts and emotions. This energy, both good and bad, interacts and influences everything in life, which sometimes can get stuck within the body and lead to physical dis-ease. Reiki heals by moving universal energy through the practitioner into the client, which then causes changes within the cellular structure of the physical body.

Reiki can be applied to people, animals, homes, work, plants, foods and supplements, situations, and everything else in life. These 45 minute sessions will allow you to experience Reiki healing energy, improving all aspects of your health - physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Sessions can be held virtually (distance Reiki), or locally in San Diego at the client’s choice of location.

Still need more info?

Book a free consult call with me today!